Basic theory of diffusion tensor imaging in prognostic evaluation of patients with cerebral infarction 扩散张量成像基本原理用于脑梗死患者预后的评估
The value of dynamic changes of 10 inflammatory index for prognostic evaluation in multiple injuried patients 多发伤患者10项炎症指标的动态变化及其在预后评估中的价值
Studying the diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of diaphragm function in the patients with upper cervical spinal cord injuries with magnetic stimulated mep 磁刺激运动诱发电位对高位颈髓损伤膈肌功能的评定
Carefully tracing the cause of tma is mandatory for the therapeutic plans and prognostic evaluation of this renal vasculopathy in sle 这位五十二岁的亚洲女性是全身性红斑狼疮的患者,因高血压亚化、肾功能异常及蛋白尿至本科求诊。